PIPELINE infrastructure DATABASE (PIPEiD) is envisioned to be “a living database platform for advanced asset management” addressing all three major management levels including strategic, tactical, and operational that will assist drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities of all sizes to sustain targeted level of service.

What is the purpose of the PIPEiD Project?

PIPEiD will assist water utilities in a more effective management of water pipeline infrastructure systems for performance, resiliency, and sustainability. PIPEiD will provide the secured, robust, and centralized web-based database platform to address all three major infrastructure asset management levels: strategic, tactical, and operational, and for water utilities of all sizes (small, medium, and large) across the country.
What is the unique value of the PIPEiD Project?
No single data, modeling, or analysis system will meet every need for every user, but there is scientific basis and strength in pursuing complementary efforts while evolving to a more integrated, centralized platform of capabilities where the whole is more than the sum of the parts and new, transformative capabilities will emerge that will help water utilities to sustain targeted level of service with acceptable risk and lowers life-cycle cost for water pipeline infrastructure systems.
What are the major benefits of the PIPEiD Project?
- Provides robust data, database, and model-driven methodologies to benefit water utility, researchers, and water infrastructure industry.
- Facilitates consistent terminologies, data standards, model specifications, and verification and validation of models and tools.
- Advances the understanding of water pipeline performance, resiliency, & sustainability parameters for risk assessment and management.
- Provides extensive capabilities in multi-system and multi-scale data analytics for advanced data management techniques, statistical analysis, advanced mathematical methods, and machine learning.
- Helps develop reliable models/tools for decision-support systems
- Facilitates easier collaboration between utilities and researchers
- Advances the move towards digital innovation and smart water utility