The term “One Water” refers to an integrated system of water systems at the river-basin scale that includes natural, built and socio-economic water systems. “Smart One Water” will create and transition the next frontier of scalable, convergent decision support ecosystems that:
(i) encompass cyberinfrastructure, and digital technologies as well as natural, physical, and socio-economic systems, and
(ii) empower small and large communities to balance competing demands for water resources and services in a sustainable and resilient manner.
Enabled by recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI), high-performance computing, digital infrastructure, and human-computer interfaces, the SOW-ERC will galvanize novel research, education, institutional interactions, workforce development, innovative partnerships, and water sector stakeholder engagement. We believe that better data, better model, and better decision support systems will lead to significant improvements in our ability to make informed decisions in a Smart One Water system context.